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DC Dancesport Academy Blog

Winning is Not Everything

DCDA March 10th, 2016

While a lot of fun, competitions are also stressful experiences. A single focus on winning or placing in finals can be a recipe for disaster. Avoid it by setting up a realistic goal for yourself.

Confidence Comes with a Plan

DCDA March 4th, 2016

Self-confidence is not a one-time event. It has to be cultivated over time. This is how you can create a quick and easy personalized self-confidence action plan.

Boring Dancers

DCDA March 4th, 2016

Take a moment to think about the dancers you talk about the most. I bet you, they are the furthest away from being boring. The reality is that no one talks about boring dancers. We all talk about the craziest, most unexpected and surprising ones. So, are you a boring dancer?

Hips Don’t Lie (Male dancers and suitable mates)

DCDA March 4th, 2016

What dance moves catch women’s eyes? Two left feet?! A group of evolutionary biologists looked at the science of ‘bump and grind’ and said that they have figured out exactly which dance movements catch a woman’s eye. Gentlemen, get ready!

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8315 Lee Hwy #210
Fairfax, VA 22031
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(703) 462-8020
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